• Non-profit.

  • Campaign story, research, poster design, marketing, merchandise design.

  • Educational, informative, eco-consious.

  • 2021, BCIT School of Business and Media.

TrulyGreen is a non-profit organization who’s goal is to make people aware of greenwashing “when companies invest more time and money on marketing their products or brand as green rather than actually doing the hard work to ensure that it is sustainable” (,2019).

“40% of marketers report that they lack relevant sustainability marketing qualifications, despite 76% of them having been involved in sustainability projects.”

Chartered Institute of Marketing, as cited in,, 2022

  • Mcdonalds Paper Straws

    • McDonald's new "eco-friendly" paper straws cannot be recycled.

    • Customers were complaining about the paper straws being flimsy, so McDonald's made the paper thicker and non-recyclable

    •The old plastic straws were recyclable versus these paper ones, which are recommended to be put into general waste.


  • H&M "Conscious Collection"

    •In 2021, a report was done by the Changing Markets Foundation and found that 96% of H&W’s claims were misleading regarding this “eco-friendly” collection. These vague claims are a common sign of greenwashing.

    •The conscious collection contained 72% synthetics versus the regular collection at 61%.


  • IKEA Beachwood Chairs

    • Earthsight performed an investigation in 2022 on IKEA's Beachwood chairs. The research found that IKEA used illegally sourced wood from Ukraine's Carpathian region, an area known for housing endangered species

    • The illegal lumbar was FSC certified (Forest Stewardship Council), which raised questions on the reliability of this certification. IKEA is known for flaunting credits such as the FSC certification, which is widely regarded as a gold standard in forest accreditation.


Campaign Posters in Action

To see full presentation

click here

To see final posters

click here


Rayel Bausenhaus Consulting


Jeanne Moderno Project